Kalima Systems


Andre Charles Legendre

André Charles Legendre, born November 4, 1953 in France, is a graduate of Telecom Bretagne.
Until 1983, he worked in offshore oil exploration in Africa and the Middle East.
In 1983, he created the Hexale company which became a group of 12 IT services companies in West of France.
From this period up to now, he focused on distributed and collaborative technologies. In 2000, he founded the company Absynt Technologies focused on software and open source.
In 2010, he started to work as a consultant for Orange, SFR and SNCF and together with Redhuan created Kalima Systems.

Main open source projects participations :
KalimaSystems, a distributed framework, developed by André Legendre
dicom4Android, an android collaboration tool for dicom medical images, developed by André Legendre
igtlink4j, a Java implementation of the surgery robots protocol OpenIgtLink
iReport Designer, a free design tool for JasperReports by Giulio Toffoli

Redhuan D. Oon

Redhuan D. Oon, born October 16, 1961 in Singapore, is often known as 'red1' who helped brought forth the ADempiere community in 2006.
He has worked since 1981 in various disciplines including writing, coaching, business and software. He presently focus on the development the new iDempiere fork based on OSGi technology and travels widely to evangelise among the community.
He is the author of the Open Source ERP book published by Pearson 2010 and his works are housed inProject Scope

Main open source projects participations :
iDempiere ERP & CRM, an open source ERP software
aDempiere, the Open Source ERP & CRM project created by Redhuan D. Ooon
Redhuan D. Ooon blog

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